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Kodi topic

mysteryliner zei:
oops. Dacht dat ik dit er in had staan. Het gaat over de series via kodi.
geeez, kalf!
al 2x en nog nie juist gezegd.

Het gaat over series via genisis, binnen kodi! De content zelf kan ik dus niet gemakkelijk op een pc of ofzo testen. ik zal eens proberen door genisis op een ander device te zetten en daar te proberen. Thx
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Beta 2 uit! Woehoe!

Here it is, the second beta build for Kodi 15.0; freshly baked and ready to be served! A little later than originally planned though, which we’ll explain later. Although we said that Kodi 15.0 a “clean-up” edition, we still managed to squeeze in a couple of really nice features. In total we had ~180 code change requests which were included since last beta release. All this sums up in a pretty big list of improvements and clean-up. As such we will only highlight some of the bigger changes. Database clean-up This was the actual reason for the beta 2 delay. With each Kodi release we do several database changes and as such need to upgrade the structure a bit. During last beta 1 release a problem arose that had been present during the past years but never really showed up as a problem, until now. As you add your media to the Kodi library we gather related information about the movies and shows from several websites like TheMovieDB and TheTVdb. It became clear that this data wasn’t always in the format we expected it to be. Some examples are additional spaces, line ending codes or wrong characters before and after actors, directors and such. The result was that some of these values were added as duplicates into the database as they didn’t have a perfect match each time. With the changes done in the last months this became a bigger problem for each database upgrade we do. This was reason enough to tackle this problem properly and do a clean-up session on current database version and make sure that new data is properly formatted before adding in new added video content. This clean-up session is a one time action for each device or MySQL database for this 15.0 release. IMPORTANT:</strong> Depending on the size of your current library and the devices you are currently using, it may take some time before this process is completed. Especially people using the Raspberry-Pi and/or using MySQL libraries. Please do not turn off the device during initial start after this upgrade and wait till it’s finished. It may take from one second to one or two minutes before the database is migrated. This is a one time migration. Refresh rate switching and 4K Playback on Android One of the limitations of the Android platforms always was that it wasn’t capable of switching your screen to the same refresh-rate as the current playing video. This could cause a slight video stutter occasionally as video frames had to be duplicated to keep audio in sync. Since Android 5.0 there’s at least a way to set the preferred refresh-rate of the video output that could solve several of these problems. Do note that this feature is still in early stage and also needs proper firmware implementation of the device manufacturers. This could mean that your device only supports one mode while others support several. So this feature really depends on the combination of the Android devices and the connected display output. Do note that it’s “preferred refresh-rate” and not “force refresh-rate“. This means that we can only indicate what we would like and then it’s up to the device if it actually will do this. To make use of this feature you need to manually enable “Adjust display refresh rate” which can be found in settings -> video -> playback. You may need to to alter the settings level before this becomes visible. With the rise of all the new 4K content, playback devices and displays, having proper 4K playback on Android is becoming a more and more nice thing to have. Although true 4K implementation for applications like Kodi is only planned in Android M, one of our developer found a way to at least incorporate this for the Android 5.0 platform. With the help of the people from NVIDIA and their newly released SHIELD Android TV we can now say Kodi will do it’s user interface and video playback in full 4k@60Hz should your device support this. IMPORTANT: The improvements mentioned will require that you at least use Android 5.0 and your devices must have the proper implementation of these features to support it. It could mean that you have to wait for future firmware updates for your device. Adaptive seeking The Step Forward, Step Back and Small Step Back actions are now forwarded to a new seeking function that is configurable in the GUI via the Skip steps and Skip delay settings. It allows single skip steps backwards and forwards with the left and right cursor keys as before, however a new feature is that by pressing the left and right keys multiple times you can skip with increasingly larger steps. Another feature of this new seeking function is that music files can also now can make use of skip steps. You can watch this short YouTube video for a quick explanation:

For more on this see http://kodi.wiki/view/Skip_Steps Improvements in 15.0 beta 2 since the release of beta 1
  • • Bump libCEC to 3.3.0 which fixes a variety of problems
  • • Reworked the storage provider on Android. This fixes several problems with mounting points for storage.
  • • Fix the queuing of music videos
  • • Improvement to FF/RW of videos
  • • Improvement to picons in livetv
  • • Prevention of clipping of rotated text, which happened in certain skins
  • • Improved logic to make PVR, audio encoders and audio decoders optional.
  • • Audio decoder and PVR add-ons are now disabled by default. When you want to use these you need to enable them manually.
  • • Fix launching of add-ons from the add-on information dialog
  • • Show progress for add-on repository update
  • • Properly fall back to the new language files location
  • • Fix of grouping movie sets when navigating in smartplaylists
  • • Fix wrong icon showing in popup dialogs
  • • Restore volume after pass-through on Android
  • • Combine previously split GUI text into a single string. This improves ability to properly translate them.
  • • Included newer version of several PVR add-ons
  • • Fix incorrect fall-back language after we made them into add-ons
  • • Fix 8channel audio conversion on Windows
  • • Try to detect supported sample rates on Android
  • • Do a complete video database clean-up session to remove leading/trailing spaces and invalid characters
  • • Prevent inserting leading/trailing spaces and invalid characters on new video scans
  • • Add season and episode labels to PVR section
  • • Fix possible font corruption
  • • Remove default 250ms audio delay on Android for AMLogic chipsets
  • • Fix subtitles showing on top of each other in certain cases
The complete list can be found on our Github beta 2 milestone. Improvements so far in 15.0 Any other improvements have been covered in our previous release notes. More in depth information on the changes made in previous interim releases can be found through the following links
Add-ons General: So far in 15.0 there are no add-on changes that would impact any add-ons except for PVR. Since our 12.x Frodo release there have been some gradual changes but in general all add-ons, even from that time should still work, of course there are some exceptions. If the add-ons worked in Gotham and in Helix then we are happy to say that all these add-ons should still work. It could be that not all PVR add-ons are fully adjusted and updated, though the developers will do their best to be ready for final release. <strong>Skins:
As of this moment, all skins that worked in 14.0 Helix should still work in 15.0 Isengard. In the PVR sections there are certain changes that might be noticeable and need specific skin changes. These changes are minimal and shouldn’t cause any major problems in usability. We’re sure that most skin creators will be updating the skins in due time. Before that happens you should be able to enjoy this beta build without any problems. DirectX 11 upgrade (not included in 15.0) Although this release post is all about the upcoming 15.0 version, mentioning the DX11 upgrade for next version is very important. Since day and age Kodi (and XBMC in the past) has used the DirectX 9 implementation for various task of rendering the user interface and media playback. This almost dated back to the XBOX days. With the hardware industry moving and focussing more on the newer DX11 with their drivers, more people have problems with running our outdated DX 9 version. This could range from simply not starting, crashing just after loading, playing videos or having problems with hardware acceleration. One of our developers afedchin took on this task and completely revised our DirectX 9 implementation and upgraded it to the more current standard of DirectX 11. Don’t worry if you still have an older card, we only use low level features so you don’t need to run to the shop for new gear. If you are having problems on Windows you can head to our forum where you can find the most recent build available which is currently based on our 15.0 release. We appreciate all the feedback we can get. Read more: here. Again this will not be part of our final 15.0 release, it will be in 16.0
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Dit weekend beta 3 van mq6 Als jullie willen post ik screens.... indien interesse.

Ik kan je nu al zeggen dat de skin mooie vooruitgangen boekt.
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1 - Be aware that it is a beta version, so there are still some thins that I need to be fixed. 2 - This version is destinated only to the users of Kodi Helix. 3 - This Helix version is unique and won't have updates. The work on the skin continues, but only in version Isengard. Visit the brazilian forum to obtain more information:http://www.xbmcbrasil.net/


Added: Flexible Widgets for main menu. Added: Flags for countries. Added: Icons for years. Added: Style Selector for main menu. Added: Option to load external ExtraPack. Added: Transparency Palette for the Media Cases. Added: New layout for Music Visualization - Layout 3 - Available in OSD settings. (thanks to Devilshura) Added: Release Notes in Main Menu/Settings/Info Panel. Added: Support to Extended Info script. Added: Menu EXTRAS for show extended info content. Added: Support to Arabic Fonts. (thanks to chakib) Added: View Type Total Art. Added: Media Flags for Video Studio. Added: Media Flags for Music Record. Added: Media Flag for Video - Top 250. Added: Widget 'Library Status' for all sub categories: Movie/Tvshow/Concert and Music. Added: Color Palette for the Media Labels and Bar (floor). Added: Reset button for area. In customization window. Added: Support for Cyrillic fonts. (thanks to Angelinas) Added: View Type PosterList. Added: Custom Home - Preview button for custom image background. Added: View Type PosterLite. (thanks to CutSickAss) Added: Main Menu/Settings - Info panel now is a Active panel. Added: View Type ShowArt - Art size, default and big. Added: Color Palette for the Styles (main menu bar). Added: Color Palette for the Fonts - main menu. Added: MPAA Rating in French. (thanks to Rififi77) Added: Color Palettes have a 'memory' of last used color or transparency. User friend. Added: New layout for Music Visualization - Available in OSD settings. Improved: New Weather Window. Forecast up to 16 days. Improved: Default Background on Windows - Now the window keeps the image used in Main Menu, including Themes and custom image. Improved: Dialog Video Info/Artist info access. Now you can use 2 x arrow down to see artist image and press Enter to see artist information. Improved: View type Banner and Banner Info now offer support to seasons. Improved: Code for Flexible Widgets/Extras. (thanks to Angelinas) Improved: Code changes to improve compatibility with non-Windows systems.

and much more....


Main menu more stylish


Flexible widgets



More customizations



Music visualization (by Devilshura)


View PosterLite (by CutSickAss)


View Poster List


<strong>View Total Art


Download: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxZQqz5XxlaDcFNSd0pZanl2TFU&usp=sharing
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Rc2 uit

Fixes done since RC 1 version

  • • Fix endless loop in PVR section which causes high CPU load
  • • Fix crash on opening conext menu item
  • • Fix sorting by episodes
  • • Don’t try to use hardware decoding for h264/10bit video files (don’t confuse with h265/10bit)
  • • Fix playback of certain HEVC files
  • • Avoid freezing/deadlock in peripheralmanager
  • • Fix genres in smartplaylists
  • • Fix grouping by artists in smartplaylists
  • • Fix video calibration for Android
  • • Make sure to download the OBB file when Play Store doesn’t
  • • Some other technical changes….
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Kodi 15.0 – Isengard – One Release to Rule Them All </strong> We are proud to announce the release of Kodi 15.0. No new name this time around, but many new features that cover requests both more than 5 years old and less than 5 months old. Let’s take a quick look at a few. Kodi for Android Perhaps the biggest news for Kodi 15 isn’t a feature at all, but rather the official release of Kodi for Android in the Google Play store. As of the time of this writing, there are just over 400,000 active installs from Google Play after having been released a mere 36 days ago. You can install Kodi for Android from the download link below. You are also welcome to continue sideloading it from the Kodi downloads page. In terms of Kodi for Android specific features, 4K, refreshrate switching, and HEVC playback are now available on devices with hardware that support those features including a number of Amlogic based devices and the NVIDIA Shield Android TV, though it should be noted that Android 5.0 and above is required to take advantage of these features. Kodi 15.0 Features Across platforms, Kodi itself has gained quite a lot of features. Some notable examples include: • A new chapter selector window – Allows you to visually browse and select chapters from mkvs and other containers that support chapters. <woltlab-metacode data-name="media" data-attributes="">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wn4KIJcHNI</woltlab-metacode>

• Adaptive seeking (aka Skip Steps) – The more times you press a button to seek in a period of time, the larger the jump forward or backward will be. <woltlab-metacode data-name="media" data-attributes="">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QrhphxMJCQ</woltlab-metacode>

Audio and Subtitle Lists – For content that includes multiple audio and subtitle choices, you can select from a full list of choices, rather than manually searching through a spinner. Language Add-ons and Expanded International Preferences – Now language translations aren’t dependent upon release, but get regularly updated to all users as the add-ons themselves update. Additionally, you now have total control over date, time, temperature and more displayed formats. Improved Add-on Manager – The add-on manager has now been reworked to help make finding the add-ons you are looking for easier. Additional Improvements and Changes Other improvements include:
  • ffmpeg 2.6.3 update
  • • Improved Closed Captioning support in Live TV
  • • Fixed music video queuing
  • • Allow scanning of new sources and marking as watched during other library operations such as “update library”
  • • Windows DXVA HEVC hardware decoding support if driver and hardware support exist
  • And more. See release notes for RC2, RC1, Beta2 and Beta1 for a full list.
Changes from 14.2 to 15.0 include:
  • Minimal 10.7 Lion 64-bit required on Mac OSX
  • • Minimal iOS 5.1 required and ATV2 support discontinued
  • • Minimum Android 4.2 Jelly Bean MR1 required on Android
  • • Ubuntu 12.04 support dropped in PPA
  • • On Android the system now handles the volume instead of Kodi
  • • Removed the need for root/SU on Android. Some hardware/firmware might not like that. Please contact your hardware supplier
  • • Removal of Tuxbox support. Users of Enigma2 boxes can use the VUPlus PVR add-on
  • • Removal of AFP filesystem support
  • • Remove legacy code pre-Frodo 11.0
  • • Vast amount of possible memory leaks, segfaults, crashes and minor issues have been fixed
  • • General improvements regarding code stability and performance in all areas
  • • General code clean-up in all areas to simplify adding future features
  • And more. See release notes for RC2, RC1, Beta2 and Beta1 for a full list.
DirectX 11 upgrade (not included in 15.0) Although this release post is all about the 15.0 version, mentioning the DX11 upgrade for Kodi 16 is very important. One of our developers afedchin took on this task and completely revised our DirectX 9 implementation and upgraded it to the more current standard of DirectX 11. Don’t worry if you still have an older card, we only use low level features so you don’t need to run to the shop for new gear. If you are having problems on Windows you can head to our forum where you can find the most recent build available which is currently based on our 15.0 release. We appreciate all the feedback we can get. Read more: here. Again this will not be part of our final 15.0 release, it will be in 16.0.


To upgrade from any previous build, just install on top of your current version.
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Xbmc (Kodi) topic

Veel verschil met RC2? Want die staat er momenteel op...
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Ik denk niet dat je verschil gaat merken.. Maar het zijn nog laatste fixes.
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Verleden weekend geupdate met beta van AeonMQ skin! Nice!
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Domme vraag na al die jaren al XBMC gebruikt te hebben maar hoe scan je je muziek eigenlijk? Bij update wordt alleen gekeken naar tv en film maar muziek wordt niet geupdate! Nu staat muziek gewoon in lijst modus. Weet iemand ook hoe lyrics en die foto's tijdens het afspelen uitgeschakeld wordt, heb er een hekel aan en vind het niet om het uit te schakelen.
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Er is nog geen stable release voor OpenElec zie ik. Nog ff wachten dan.
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Xenomorph zei:
Domme vraag na al die jaren al XBMC gebruikt te hebben maar hoe scan je je muziek eigenlijk? Bij update wordt alleen gekeken naar tv en film maar muziek wordt niet geupdate! Nu staat muziek gewoon in lijst modus. Weet iemand ook hoe lyrics en die foto's tijdens het afspelen uitgeschakeld wordt, heb er een hekel aan en vind het niet om het uit te schakelen.
hetzelfde als bij films. De folder met muziek toevoegen, maar bij de volgende stap (scraper) kies je i.p.v. film muziek.

Na het Zoeken heb je onder muziek een nieuwe categorie.

Lyrics en foto's. .. Ofwel bij de add-on die daar voor zorgt. Ofwel tijdens het spelen van je muziek eens bij extra's. (Zoals je subtitels kiest bij een film... daar in de buurt)
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Xenomorph zei:
Domme vraag na al die jaren al XBMC gebruikt te hebben maar hoe scan je je muziek eigenlijk? Bij update wordt alleen gekeken naar tv en film maar muziek wordt niet geupdate! Nu staat muziek gewoon in lijst modus. Weet iemand ook hoe lyrics en die foto's tijdens het afspelen uitgeschakeld wordt, heb er een hekel aan en vind het niet om het uit te schakelen.
De lyrics add-on uitschakelen en de artist foto add-on (ofzoiets) uitschakelen. Kan je meestal ook regelen via de settings van je skin.
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mysteryliner zei:
hetzelfde als bij films.De folder met muziek toevoegen, maar bij de volgende stap (scraper) kies je i.p.v. film muziek.

Na het Zoeken heb je onder muziek een nieuwe categorie.

Lyrics en foto's. .. Ofwel bij de add-on die daar voor zorgt. Ofwel tijdens het spelen van je muziek eens bij extra's. (Zoals je subtitels kiest bij een film... daar in de buurt)
scraper is er toch alleen voor muziek videos??
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