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Kodi topic

Once a ‘final’ version is released some new bugs and/or problems usually appear out of nowhere, and last release was no exception. Even though tens of thousands of users were already testing the 15.0 version before release and we try very hard to prevent them, as soon as million started using it, some problems we either did not think of or which we did not notice popped up. To counter some of these new issues, we’re bringing you this second maintenance release candidate called 15.2 RC1 which has some additional fixes on top of the 15.0 and 15.1 release. This is still a release candidate; once enough users have verified that these improvements work out well, and we did not introduce any major regressions, we’ll be releasing it as final 15.2 version. To be safe just backup your userdata (online manual) first. It should be ok to just install this on top of your current Kodi 15.0 or 15.1 version. For the MySQL users out there; we never bump the database versions in our bugfix or maintenance releases – you can safely keep using it within your network. Most important fix done Over time the Android version has travelled some bumpy roads. This is due to the fact there are tens of thousands of different devices out there with each it’s own Android version and each a slightly different firmware and hardware. Firmware is the part where the manufacturer of the device has to make sure the everything works as it should like audio and video output. This time after the 15.0 release it became clear that for several devices using an Amlogic chipset there was a change in firmware that caused Kodi to not function properly and only show a zoomed in or only used part of the screen. Devices that came from manufacturers that had properly updated their firmware did not have this problem. However for some this never happened and caused all the problems you might have experienced. One method was to put special build firmware on the device which fixes the problem and Kodi would just work fine again. Sadly this is a quite technical process and could brick your device if not done properly. Luckily a community developer invested a lot of time in tracking down the problem and together with our main Android developer came to a solution for fixing this. Past week we provided some special builds on the forum which solved the problems for the users that had the zoomed in or partial screen using Kodi. As such we included these changes into the 15.2 RC build for every one to test and hopefully get their device working again. Secondly some playback problem popped up for many Android users where they lost video after fast-forward playback. This should now have been correct as well (if you had not yet got the extra Play Store update for 15.1). Should you still experience problems with this build please provide feedback on our forum or in this 15.2 specific test thread: link Be sure to provide sufficient information. Fixes done in this RC 1 version
  • • Updated taglib that fixes a crash when playing flac files
  • • Fix volume adjustment for XBOX controllers
  • • Fixes side flyout appearing when using touch
  • • Fixes freeze on win32 on away mode
  • • Fix crash on osx 10.7 when trying to resolve hdd names
  • • Fix Amlogic zoom problems on Android
  • • Set default screen region for dvb subs (wrong placed subtitles)
  • • Fix missing lyrics from tag when playing from musicdb url
  • • Properly set the time format when setting/changing regions
  • • Fix playback problems on AMLogic after ffwd or skip
  • • Fix fallback for nb_no language
  • • Fix empty LatestAlbum.Artist
  • • Fix watched flag in Confluence media info 3 view
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Software-update: OpenELEC 6.0 bèta 5

Door Bart van Klaveren, maandag 7 september 2015 08:46, 15 reactiesFeedback Bron: OpenELEC, submitter: Yoshi2889
De vijfde bètarelease van versie 6.0 van het Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center is uitgekomen. Deze Linux-distributie is gebaseerd op Kodi en kan een computer tot een volwaardige htpc omtoveren. OpenELEC is eenvoudig te installeren, onderhouden en gebruiken, en is verder klein en razendsnel. In versie 6.0 is onder meer de overstap naar Kodi 15.1 gemaakt, zijn een groot aantal onderdelen uit het besturingssysteem bijgewerkt en is er nog het een en ander veranderd aan de ondersteunde hardware. De changelog van deze versie, die intern als 5.95.5 aangeduid wordt, ziet er als volgt uit: Updated core Components (summary) since OpenELEC 5.95.4 (6.0 beta 4)</strong>
  • gdb: update to gdb-7.10
  • kodi: update Isengard backport patch
  • xf86-video-intel: update to xf86-video-intel-300319e
  • libdrm: update to libdrm-2.4.64
  • libvdpau: update to libvdpau-1.1.1
  • bcm2835-bootloader: update to bcm2835-bootloader-fc95251
  • bcm2835-driver: update to bcm2835-driver-fc95251
  • xf86-video-nvidia: update to xf86-video-nvidia-352.41
  • Update libbluray to 0.8.1
  • projects/RPi*/patches/kodi: update RPi support patches
  • Include RPi 2 overlock mode preset
  • bcm_sta: add patch to fix nullpointer crash with kernel 3.18+
  • Revert "Exchange xf86-input-evdev for xf86-input-libinput"
  • Revert "Remove package - xf86-input-evdev"
For a full changelog on what's new, follow this link<strong>.
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Die emby vind ik eigenlijk een must !!!! Zeker voor advanced kodi gebruikers !
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Spijtig dat er nog steeds geen stable release is van OpenElec 6.

Ik meen ergens gelezen te hebben dat er nog een bug was met remotes die ze nog niet hebben kunnen fixen.
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broodro0ster zei:
Spijtig dat er nog steeds geen stable release is van OpenElec 6.

Ik meen ergens gelezen te hebben dat er nog een bug was met remotes die ze nog niet hebben kunnen fixen.
himediaspeler kopen
kun je je mede8er ook wegdoen p:
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Gohja, 't is niet dat ik ergens op zit te wachten hoor. Kodi 14 werkt ook goed.

Wat zijn eigenlijk de belangrijkste veranderingen in v15?
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broodro0ster zei:
Gohja, 't is niet dat ik ergens op zit te wachten hoor. Kodi 14 werkt ook goed.

Wat zijn eigenlijk de belangrijkste veranderingen in v15?
Scroll daarvoor paar posts terug :p
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Nog iemand die last heeft van de audio sync bug bij 23.768 en 24fps?

Die zit er blijkbaar al 3 jaar in en is nog steeds niet opgelost. Met m'n Mede8er is alles perfect, maar in Kodi komt het geluid achter op het beeld. En in m'n receiver kan ik enkel een delay voor het geluid instellen, maar het geluid moet eigenlijk vroeger komen.
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Nope geen last van Staan al je instellingen wel juist?
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Ja ik denk het wel. Ik ben er al een paar keer doorgegaan ik kan niks vinden. Instellingen zijn de aangeraden instellingen voor een chromebox.

Ik heb er nog posts van tegen gekomen en met 50 en 60hz zijn er geen problemen. Enkel met content op 23.768 en 24hz.

Heb niet direct een 50/60hz film staan waarmee ik kan testen, maar wil het wel eens proberen.

EDIT: ik denk dat dit het probleem is: http://openelec.tv/forum/68-audio/57509-24p-audio-delay Ga dat eens op 0 zetten als ik er aan denk.
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While we are still working on improving the Kodi 15 release by adding numerous fixes, developers have been working on new features and new fixes for Kodi 16, codenamed Jarvis, for quite some time now. Let’s take a look at a few of those features and fixes that have made it into alphas 1 and 2 of Kodi 16. DirectX 11 upgrade One of our developers afedchin took on this task and completely revised our DirectX 9 implementation and upgraded it to the more current standard of DirectX 11. Don’t worry if you still have an older card, we only use low level features so you don’t need to run to the shop for new gear. So why is this so important? The old DirectX 9 implementation we were still using was done in a way that it could fail for newer videocard drivers. By updating it to DX11 proper support is assured for the newer video cards as well of a whole lot of other improvements across the board. 4:3 Non-linear Stretch It’s perhaps a bit late in coming, but Kodi finally supports stretching 4:3 content to 16:9 in a way that doesn’t warp the content that’s occurring in the center of the screen. Finally, you’ll be able to watch Friends, Seinfeld, Cheers, and Duck Tales in full screen without the awkward screen stretching from the past. Event logging Have you ever added your folder of movies to Kodi and then discovered, sometimes weeks later, that a movie never made it in? A solution for issues like that is finally starting to take shape. Event logging is an option that tracks some events and shows these in a chronological order in system settings -> logging. By the time of the final release of Kodi 16, we will have refined what will actually be shown in that list as it currently only adds the basic “notifications”. Ultimately, we think this may become an incredibly useful feature, as you’ll finally be able to see all of the things Kodi is doing and, in some cases, failing to do.

Split up skin settings One long awaited change is splitting up skin settings from the core Kodi settings. In the past all skin settings and Kodi settings were saved in one big file. What’s the problem you might ask? Well fact is that the more skins you installed and tried out the bigger the file grew all loading it takes a tiny bit of time. Additionally it wasn’t easy to start fresh with Kodi settings without also losing all you skin customisations. Now all is split up like we already had done for all other add-ons, you can now easily remove Kodi settings and keep the skins settings intact. Additionally you can also just copy the skin/add-on settings to any other Kodi installation and they would instantly have the same settings as you had given the fact you also have installed them there. On upgrade from any previous Kodi or XBMC version to 16.0 we will process and convert the file without you even noticing. All will be done automatically. More information: http://kodi.wiki/view/Userdata -> “user_data” Image resource add-ons Although not of real importance to end-users, it’s really convenient for our skin developers. Before each skin had to include all the images it wanted to show. For example most skins show the studio or recordlabel when browsing library. Each skin would have to include these images for it work and as such each skin would have to update the included images. On average this came down to about ~20Mb of files that were shipped with each skin. By putting that into separate add-ons all skins can now make use of the same resource add-ons if they wish without needing to care for updating the images any more. This cuts down download size of skins on install/update and the image add-ons can be updated separate from the skins itself. This makes handling skins much easier and less resource intensive. Other Important Changes:
  • * Start of integration of ADSP handling (no add-ons shipped yet)
  • * Improve image resizing and caching algorithm to improve image quality of images
  • * Added support for the musicbrainz “ARTISTS” tag in id3v2, ape, xiph.
  • * Add date added to music library and use it for sorting
  • * Support saving skin settings as add-on data instead of in guisettings.xml
  • * Image resource add-ons which provides common image libraries than can be used by several skins and add-ons.
  • * Don’t mess with the long and short date formats defined in the language files
  • * Win32: Proper 24.0/60.0 Hz refresh rate in fake fullscreen mode
  • * Add sort method for albums “artist / year”. This will sort the albums chronological per artist.
  • * Moved some add-on categories to “look and feel” in add-on manager
  • * Series recording added for PVR
  • * Add a “none” option for preferred subtitles
An enormous list of improvements Besides the list above there has been a lot of work done in all areas in our source code. Removing old code, splitting up parts in more logical chunks and making it all more resilient to future changes. All these changes are part of a massive change list that only makes sense to developers actually knowing what the source code does. In short we will no bother you all with summing up the list. It’s just something that is worth mentioning that not all improvements have to be actual features and are visible to users. We prefer that the program actually works than adding bells and whistles. Conclusion Should you want to download and install this alpha (monthly) build please visit our download page.
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Toch weer enkele leuke dingen, vooral voor skins... Het zal makkelijker worden om bv genre icons enzo te downloaden/veranderen en die gaan niet meer meekomen met de skins
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Sinds kort een probleempje met Kodi 15.1.... De films Poltergeist en Spy beiden geripped met laatste DVDFab skippen geregeld voorwaarts enkele seconden met pixelvorming en telkens op dezelfde plaats en dit op 2 verschillende machines. TMT speelt deze films zonder problemen af. Weet niet wat er aan de hand is...
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Skank zei:
Andere dvdfab proberen?
neen idem! Verder testen! Is geen DVDfab probleem want .ISO speelt skips ook op zelfde stukken! Kan iemand misschien eens testen met SPy (Mteam versie)?
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Once a ‘final’ version is released some new bugs and/or problems usually appear out of nowhere, and last release was no exception. Even though tens of thousands of users were already testing the 15.0 version before release and we try very hard to prevent them, as soon as million started using it, some problems we either did not think of or which we did not notice popped up. To counter some of these new issues, we’re bringing you this second maintenance release candidate called 15.2 RC2 which has some additional fixes on top of the 15.0 and 15.1 release. This is still a release candidate; once enough users have verified that these improvements work out well, and we did not introduce any major regressions, we’ll be releasing it as final 15.2 version. To be safe just backup your userdata (online manual) first. It should be ok to just install this on top of your current Kodi 15.0 or 15.1 version. For the MySQL users out there; we never bump the database versions in our bugfix or maintenance releases – you can safely keep using it within your network. Most important fix done Over time the Android version has travelled some bumpy roads. This is due to the fact there are tens of thousands of different devices out there with each it’s own Android version and each a slightly different firmware and hardware. Firmware is the part where the manufacturer of the device has to make sure the everything works as it should like audio and video output. This time after the 15.0 release it became clear that for several devices using an Amlogic chipset there was a change in firmware that caused Kodi to not function properly and only show a zoomed in or only used part of the screen. Devices that came from manufacturers that had properly updated their firmware did not have this problem. However for some this never happened and caused all the problems you might have experienced. One method was to put special build firmware on the device which fixes the problem and Kodi would just work fine again. Sadly this is a quite technical process and could brick your device if not done properly. Luckily a community developer invested a lot of time in tracking down the problem and together with our main Android developer came to a solution for fixing this. In short, we’ve solved the problems for the users that had the zoomed in or partial screen using Kodi in Android. As such we included these changes into the 15.2 RC build for every one to test and hopefully get their device working again. Secondly some playback problem popped up for many Android users where they lost video after fast-forward playback. This should now have been correct as well (if you had not yet got the extra Play Store update for 15.1). Should you still experience problems with this build please provide feedback on our forum or in this 15.2 specific test thread: link Be sure to provide sufficient information. Fixes done in this RC 2 version
  • • Fix file time used in scanning library which may speed up scanning times on 32bit platforms
  • • Fix video rewind on Windows. May still leave artifacts for some seconds.
  • • Fix continues check on system partitions on Android
  • • Fix MicroDVD subtitles
  • • Fix subtitles positioning below video
  • • Fix memory leak on opening Bluray menu for stream selection
  • • Fix default sorting for songs over UPnP
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Xenomorph zei:
Sinds kort een probleempje met Kodi 15.1.... De films Poltergeist en Spy beiden geripped met laatste DVDFab skippen geregeld voorwaarts enkele seconden met pixelvorming en telkens op dezelfde plaats en dit op 2 verschillende machines. TMT speelt deze films zonder problemen af. Weet niet wat er aan de hand is...
De oplossing is rippen in MKV Passthrough. Probleem doet zich alleen voor in bdmv file structure.
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Xenomorph zei:
De oplossing is rippen in MKV Passthrough. Probleem doet zich alleen voor in bdmv file structure.
aan wat ligt het dan? toch aan het rippen?
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